Monday, October 22, 2012

Paro en la UACM cumple 54 días;

Pendientes, la instalación legal del tercer Consejo Universitario y la entrega de planteles
Paro en la UACM cumple 54 días; negociaciones atoradas
Desde su arribo a la rectoría de esa casa de estudios Esther Orozco enfrentó el rechazo de la comunidad
Pese a no contar con cédula, cuestionó a académicos
Querella con el sindicato
Estudiantes inconformes con la gestión de la rectora de la UACM, María Esther Orozco Orozco, marcharon el jueves de la semana pasada para exigir a la funcionaria respetar los acuerdos de Casa LammFoto Yazmín Ortega Cortés
Bertha Teresa Ramírez
Periódico La Jornada
Lunes 22 de octubre de 2012, p. 35
A pesar de la mediación del Gobierno del Distrito Federal (GDF) y de un grupo de cinco notables, continúa la suspensión de actividades en la Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México (UACM), iniciada el 28 de agosto pasado, cuando estudiantes inconformes con la elección del Consejo Universitario (CU) tomaronlos planteles.
Llegada a la rectoría de esa universidad en mayo de 2010, luego de haber ocupado la dirección del Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología (ICT) del Distrito Federal, María Esther Orozco Orozco ha generado el rechazo de un sector de esa comunidad, que la considera opuesta al modelo con el cual se creó la UACM.
En mayo de 2011, Orozco cuestionó la calidad de varios profesores, a quienes acusó de no contar con grados académicos, si bien en septiembre de 2012, el académico Javier Gutiérrez Marmolejo la denunció penalmente por no contar con título y cédula profesional para el ejercicio de su profesión.
Desde 2010, el Sindicato Único de Trabajadores de la UACM denunció que la rectora retuvo las cuotas sindicales, y en julio de 2011 la Asamblea Universitaria –hoy comité tripartita integrado por el Consejo Estudiantil en Lucha (CEL), el Foro Académico y los Consejeros en Defensa del Voto– señaló que la rectora contrató como asesor a José Antonio Cid Ibarra, vinculado a la ex diputada local del Panal Gloria Cañizo y al Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación.
En junio de 2012, la historiadora Ángeles Magdaleno Cárdenas denunció que el GDF hizo pagos onerosos por la serie de televisiónGregoria la cucaracha, producida por Teatro Cabaret Las Reinas Chulas, de Nora Isabel Huerta Camacho, quien cedió  los derechos al ICT cuando estaba a cargo de María Esther Orozco Orozco. Además de que la serie fue dirigida por Alejandra Sánchez Orozco, hija de la rectora.
La crisis
En agosto pasado, la elección del CU, máximo órgano de gobierno de la UACM, arrojó saldo demoledor para el bando de Orozco, cuyos opositores obtuvieron 33 de los 55 espacios, pero el representante del consejo electoral, Adalberto Robles Valadez, anuló esos resultados, con la finalidad de eliminar del consejo a ocho opositores a Orozco y beneficiar a cuatro orozquistas que no ganaron en las urnas.
Entre los consejeros orozquistas están Miguel Ángel del Moral, miembro adherente del PAN-DF, y el líder de taxistas piratas de Cuautepec, Jacobo Venegas.
El 28 de agosto, tras varios escarceos con los opositores al paro, el CEL tomó los planteles San Lorenzo Tezonco, Del Valle y Centro Histórico, y días más tarde los de Casa Libertad y Cuautepec.
En este último, el 9 de septiembre, un grupo de taxistas piratas irrumpió para oponerse a los paristas, y el 3 de octubre se enfrentaron estudiantes en favor y en contra del paro; armados con hachas y pinzas, los segundos lograron recuperar el plantel, pero por la noche fue retomado por los paristas.
A raíz de ese hecho se integró una mesa de diálogo entre las partes en conflicto, en la que intervinieron, por el GDF, el secretario de Educación, Salvador Martínez Della Rocca; el subsecretario de Gobierno, Juan José García Ochoa, y Javier González Garza, en representación del mandatario local. Como observadores: Servicios y Asesoría para la Paz (Serapaz) y un grupo de cinco notables, que se encargarían de emitir un dictamen para resolver la crisis.
El 6 de octubre, las partes se comprometieron a convocar a la primera sesión del CU para analizar las demandas estudiantiles y la entrega de los planteles.
Sin embargo, no llegaron a un acuerdo para cumplir las resoluciones del grupo de notables, quienes recomendaron instalar el tercer Consejo Universitario con los miembros que no fueron impugnados y convocar a una nueva elección para esos casos.
Las negociaciones están estancadas luego de que el 18 de octubre la rectora no asistió a la instalación del Consejo Universitario.
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Thursday, October 18, 2012

James Meredith bravely integrated the University of Mississippi

From Diane Ravitch's blog <> of 10-17-12
James Meredith bravely integrated the University of Mississippi fifty years ago. It is hard to imagine now, but at the time it took nerves of steel and a willingness to die. Mississippi was the most racist state in the nation (others were close contenders), and black people put their life at risk by speaking too boldly. Meredith put his life on the line to enroll in the university.
He has published a memoir. I have not read it yet, so I am not reviewing it here. Next time the Wall Street hedge fund managers or Condoleeza Rice or Mitt Romney or Joel Klein say they are leading the “civil rights movement of our time,” think about this man who was willing to give his life to integrate the most segregated state in the nation.
This is a press release about the book:
On the Eve of 50th Anniversary of his Historic Desegregation of the University of Mississippi on September 30, James Meredith Urges Citizens to “Storm the Schools”
September 21, 2012: Civil rights giant James Meredith, author of the provocative, just-released book A MISSION FROM GOD: A MEMOIR AND CHALLENGE FOR AMERICA (Simon & Schuster), charged today that both President Obama and Governor Romney are contributing to the destruction of American K-through-8 public education by proposing failed or unproven policies, supporting the continued waste of billions of dollars of taxpayer funds on education, and neglecting America’s children, especially the poor.
“There is no real difference between the two candidates and parties when it comes to the most critical domestic issue of our age, public education,” Meredith says. “Both Obama and Romney are in favor of multi-billion-dollar boondoggles and money-grabs that have little or no evidence of widespread benefit to K-through-8 children or the community at large, like over-reliance on high-stakes standardised testing; over-reliance on charter schools and cyber-charters; and the funding and installation of staggering amounts of unproven computer products in schools.”
According to Meredith, “Education is much too important to be left to politicians. They have failed. They came up with No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top, both of which are largely failures. It is time for parents, families and teachers to take back control, and to step up to their responsibilities to take charge of education.”
His solution? “Storm the schools,” says Meredith, echoing the challenge he issues in his book A MISSION FROM GOD, which has been compared by one reviewer to a work by Dostoyevsky and hailed by Publishers Weekly as “lively and compelling.” He says, “I call on every American citizen to commit right now to help children in the public schools in their community, especially those schools with disadvantaged students.” He also suggests that citizens flood the schools with offers to volunteer to read to young children, and flood every school board and political meeting to demand that politicians and bureaucrats justify, with concrete evidence, every proposal made and every dollar being spent on public education, line by line.
While Meredith does not endorse either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney, and does not endorse most individual education policy proposals, he is announcing a 4-point Manifesto to Rescue American Education, that calls for America to:
• Suspend billions of dollars of public spending on unproven high-stakes standardized testing and unproven computer products in schools, and redirect those and other necessary funds to;
• Support sharply boosting teacher quality, qualifications and pay, especially in the poorest neighborhoods,
• Expand early childhood education and community schools, especially in the poorest neighborhoods, and,
• Strengthen the back-to-basics fundamentals of K-8 education, including play-based learning for youngest students; add or restore history, civics, the arts, music and physical education to the core subjects of math, science and English; and provide proper nutrition, medical and social support services for poor children through the schools.
“The outrageous, unjust public shaming and scapegoating of teachers by politicians and self-appointed pundits must end, our problems are mostly not their fault,” says Meredith. “Teachers should be respected, revered, compensated, empowered, loved and supported to give our children the education they desperately need. And that will only happen when we, as a people, take back control of our schools.”
About James Meredith: Meredith’s one-man crusade to desegregate the University of Mississippi at Oxford exactly 50 years ago, on September 30, 1962, is considered one of the great turning points and triumphs of the civil rights era, and led the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. to place Meredith at the top of his own list of heroes in his Letter From a Birmingham Jail. In 1966, Meredith was shot while leading a “March Against Fear,” a campaign that helped open the floodgates of voter registration in the South.
Written with award-winning author William Doyle, A MISSION FROM GOD: A MEMOIR AND CHALLENGE FOR AMERICA is published to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the “Battle of Oxford” and reveals the inside story of James Meredith’s epic American journey and his challenge for Americans to save their education system

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